Bereavement Resource Library
- Alec’s Legacy, by Frank Robinson
- The Bereaved Parent, by Harriet Sarnoff Schiff
- A Broken Heart Still Beats, by Anne McCracken and Mary Semel
- The Grieving Child: A Parent’s Guide, by Helen Fitsgerald
- Dear Parents: Letters to Bereaved Parents, by Joy Johnson
- Helping Children Cope with Grief, by Alan Wolfelt
- How Do We Tell the Children, by Dan Schaefer and Christine Lyons
- How to Go on Living When Someone You Love Dies, by Therese Rando
- The Little While, by Joy and Dr. M. Johnson
- Mom Minus Dad – Essential resource guide for busy adults with a newly widowed parent
- Nobody’s Child Anymore, by Barbara Bartocci
- The Orphaned Adult: Understanding and Coping with Grief and Change After the Death of Our Parents, by Alexander Levy
- Parental Loss of a Child, by Therese Rando
- Recovering From the Loss of a Child, by Katherine Donnelly
- Suicide of a Child, by Adina
- Talking About Death: A Dialogue Between Parent and Child, by Earl Grollman
- When a Baby Dies, by Ronald Nash
- For Bereaved Grandparents, by Margaret Gerner
- When a Grandchild Dies, by Nadine Galinsky Feldman
- A Grandparent’s Sorrow
- Compassionate Friends – Offers support to parents and siblings following the death of a child
- Bereaved Parents of the USA – Offers support to parents
- Am I Still a Sister?, by Alicia Sims
- A Taste of Blackberries, by Doris Buchanan Smith
- Bereaved Children and Teens, by Earl Groolman
- Facing Change – Falling Apart and Coming Together Again in the Teen Years
- Finding Grandpa Everywhere, by John Hodge
- Geranium Morning, by E. Sandy Powell
- Helping Children Cope With the Death of a Parent
- Helping Teens Cope With Death
- I Had a Friend Named Peter, by Janice Cohn
- I Miss You, by Pat Thomas
- I Wish I Could Hold Your Hand, by Dr. Pat Palmer
- Losing a Parent, by Fiona Marshall
- The Memory String, by Eve Bunting
- Saying Goodbye to Daddy, by Judith Vigna
- Saying Goodbye to Grandma, by Thomas Rush
- Saying Goodbye, by Jim Boulden
- A Terrible Thing Happened, by Margaret M. Holmes
- The Two of Them, by Aliki
- The Velveteen Rabbit, by Margery Williams
- Water Bugs and Dragonflies: Explaining Death to Young Children, by Doris Stickney
- When Dinosaurs Die, by Brown and Brown
- You Are Not Alone, by Lynne Hughes
- What On Earth Do You Do When Someone Dies?, by Trevor Romain
- I Will Remember You: What To Do When Someone You Love Dies, by Laura Dower
- When Death Walks In, by Mark Scrivani
- Now Caitlin Can, by Ramona Wood
- Pennies, Nickels & Dimes, by Elizabeth Murphy-Melas
- Gentle Willow, by Joyce C. Mills & Cary Pillo
- How I Feel (coloring book), by Wolfelt
- Am I Still a Sister?, by Alicia Sims
- Last Week My Brother Anthony Died, by Martha Whitmore Hickman
- No New Baby, by Marilyn Gryte
- Remember Our Baby, by Patti Keough
- Unspoken Grief: Coping With Childhood Sibling Loss, by Helen Rosen
- Highmark Caring Place – Offers peer support groups to children and parents following the death of a loved one
- Being a Widow, by Lynn Caine
- Call Me If You Need Anything … and Other Things NOT to Say, by Cathy Peterson
- Chicken Soup for the Grieving Soul, by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen
- Comforting Those Who Grieve, by Doug Manning
- The Courage to Grieve, by Judy Tatelbaum
- The Denial of Death, by Ernest Becker
- Don’t Let Death Ruin Your Life, by Jill Brooke
- Don’t Take My Grief Away From Me, by Doug Manning
- Good Grief, by Granger Westberg
- Grief As a Family Process, by Ester R. Shapiro
- Grief Therapy, by Karen Katafiasz
- Grieving the Loss of Someone You Love: Daily Meditations to Help You Through the Grieving Process, by Raymond Mitsch and Lynn Brookside
- Finding Hope: Ways to See Life in a Brighter Light, by Ronna Fay Jevne & James E. Miller
- For Those Who Give and Grieve, by NKF
- Healing and Growing Through Grief, by Donna O’Toole
- Hello From Heaven, by Bill and Judy Guggenheim
- Helping the Bereaved Celebrate the Holidays, by James E. Miller
- Holiday Hope, by Fairview Press
- How To Go On Living When Someone You Love Dies, by Teresa Rando
- How Will I Get Through the Holidays, by James E. Miller
- I Wasn’t Ready to Say Goodbye: Surviving, Coping and Healing After the Sudden Death of a Loved One, by Brook Noel and Pamela D. Blair, PhD
- I’m Sorry for Your Loss … Hope and Guidance in Managing Your Grief, by Lillian L. Meyers, PhD
- Life After Loss, by Dr. Vomik Volkan and Elizabeth Zinti
- Life’s Lessons, by Elizabeth Kubler Ross and David Kessler
- Living Through Mourning: Finding Comfort and Hope, by Harriet Sarnoff Schiff
- Living When a Loved One has Died, by Earl Grollman
- Midlife Orphan: Facing Life’s Changes Now That Your Parents are Gone, by Jane Brooks
- Motherless Daughters: Legacy of the Loss, by Hope Edelman
- A New Normal: Learning to Live With Grief and Loss, by Darlene F. Cross
- Necessary Losses, by Judith Viorst
- On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning of Grief Through the Five Stages of Loss, by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and David Kessler
- A Prescription for Anger, by Gary Hankins
- Recovering From Losses in Life, by H. Norman Wright
- Talking About Death, by Earl Grollman
- Tear Soup: Recipes for Healing After the Loss, by Schwiebert and Deklyen
- 10 Good Questions About Life and Death, by Christopher Belshaw
- Understanding Anger During Bereavement, by Robert Baugher
- Understanding Your Grief: Ten Essential Touchstones for Finding Hope and Healing Your Heart, by Alan Wolfelt
- What Helped Me When My Loved One Died, by Earl Groolman
- When Mourning Dawns: Living Your Way Fully Through the Seasons of Your Grief, by James E. Miller
- Being a Widow, by Lynn Caine
- Coping With Widowhood, by F. Durland
- Getting to the Other Side of Grief, by Susan J. Zonnebelt-Smeenge and Robert C. De Vries
- Healing a Spouse’s Grieving Heart: 100 Practical Ideas After Your Husband or Wife Dies, by Alan D. Wolfelt
- Survival Guide for Widows, by Betty Jane Wylie
- Widower: When Men Are Left Alone, by Campbell and Silverman
- Widow’s Guide to Living Alone, by Judith Fabisch
- Finding Your Way When Your Spouse Dies, by Linus Mundy
- Mom Minus Dad, by Jamieson Haverkampf
- A Journey Through Widowhood, by Romaine Presnell
- Good Grief Center for Bereavement Support: For friends, family, and professionals
- Griefnet: Email support groups for those who have lost a loved one
- Lost My Partner: Support for widowers
- Letting Go With Love – Grieving process on CD
- PLIDA – Pregnancy Loss and Infant Death Alliance
- Miss Foundation
- Healing Hearts for Bereaved Parents
- Heavenly Angels in Need
- The M.O.M. Project
- Centering Corporation and Grief Digest Magazine
- Counseling for Loss and Life Changes
- A Child of Promise
- Web Healing Grief Resources
- Griefsong
- Journey of Hearts
- Willowgreen
- Wings